The philosophy behind Norwegian Made (NM) is to enhance the traditional as well as modern norwegian quality crafted goods and the skills passed down from generation to generation. NM wishes to restore the dignity of the hard earned, man made product and the various industries developed from these.
The company will work actively to augment consciousness concerning mass consumption, quality and local production. We wish to help Norwegian companies to find the way to a bigger, international marked, and thus secure the livelihood of all the norwegian makers and producers.
Craft and skill based production is founded on a deep knowledge of processes and materials. This is knowledge acquired through centuries is at risk of being lost because of the western society's turning towards an ever more intellectualized work life, and because of the outsourcing of production to low-cost countries where workers have little protection and often work under bad conditions. We want to take an active part to turn this trend.
Norwegian Made wishes to raise consumer conciousness to quality, to laborer rights and to local production in an environmental perspective. Good quality will often imply sensible use of the world's resources and sustainable development, at the same time as the valuable, immaterial culture is being honored and kept alive.
The Norwegian laws regarding production and the regulations concerning use of human labour are among the strictest in the world, giving the consumers the best possible guarantee that the Norwegian Made products are as sustainable and ethical as it gets, giving you the best feeling when you hold it in your hand and use it. Norwegian Made products are made to last and it's good for you - just feel it.